Stage lighting design terminology explained
       In the decoration design of the performance hall, the stage lighting design is quite important, and the gorgeousness of the performance is not gorgeous, and his influence is more important. There are many factors to consider in the entire stage lighting design. Today we want to briefly understand with you about the most basic lighting design knowledge in stage lighting design. Stage lighting equipment
       A little bit of knowledge about brightness in stage lighting design:
       The brightness of a light design is the intensity of luminous light emitted in a given direction around a micro-unit area on a surface divided by the area projected by the unit in the same direction.
       Then there is the illuminance problem of lighting design: illuminance refers to the luminous flux density on a surface, which is the luminous flux injected into the unit area, and the unit is LX.
       The concept of color temperature in lighting design is not very easy to understand, so what about the definition of color temperature? Let's take a look together, color temperature refers to the color emitted by the light source and the same light color radiated by the black body at a certain temperature, the temperature of the black body is called the color temperature of the light source, generally in Kelvin K.
       Everyone should know that the color temperature in the lighting design is high, and the color of the light is cold: the color temperature is low, and the color of the light is warm: when the color temperature is moderate, the light is close to white.
       In addition to the above content, the concept of channel should be easier to understand, in modern light control, a new concept of channel. It refers to a collection of control loops on a certain luminaire. Specifically, the function of a lamp needs to be controlled separately, and the output circuit of the dimmer occupied is the channel.
       Finally, let's take a look at the explanation of luminous flux: luminous flux refers to the energy of the light source radiating from the surrounding space in unit time, which can cause visual reaction energy, that is, the energy of light. It describes the effective radiation &#118alue of a light source in 1m (lumens).
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